Dear colleagues,
Tampere University of Technology (TUT) is Finland's leading university of technology in the production of Masters and Doctors of Science for the needs of industry. This autumn, Tampere University of Technology is launching a new Bachelor's degree programme in English. We are excited to offer this study opportunity as the programme is currently the only University-level Bachelor's programme offered in English in Finland in the field of technology. I am writing to inform you of the programme, and I hope that you will also pass on information on the programme to the students in your school.
The International Degree Programme in Science and Engineering, BSc (Tech) is a broad-based Bachelor's degree programme which offers students a strong multi-disciplinary basis in science and engineering. The possible major subjects in the programme are Mathematics, Physics and Information and Communications Technology. Of these, students take two modules and thus gain a solid theoretical basis for further studies on the Master's level. In addition to theoretical studies, internationality and employability are key themes in the programme. Multicultural study groups, strong introductory and language studies and well-qualified teachers ensure that students will not only learn the theory but also gain employable skills which make them well-prepared for the international world of research and industry.
Upon completion of the 180 credit programme students earn the degree of Bachelor of Science in Technology. After graduation, students will be able to continue studies directly at the Master's level as all students in the programme are also granted a study right to one of TUT's Master's programmes in English already when first admitted. The subjects and courses studied in the Bachelor's degree determine which Master's programmes the student is eligible for.
The high level of studies in natural sciences and the language of studies in the IB programme make IB graduates ideal candidates for the programme. The application period to this programme for IB graduates is 16.3.-6.4.2016. Detailed information on the application process is available on our website at
Further information is available on the programme website at Should you wish to receive printed brochures on the programme, please let us know, we will be happy to send you some!
If you or your students have any questions on the programme, please do not hesitate to contact me!
Best regards,
Terhi Kipinä