
Zde budu průběžně doplňovat knihy, které máme k přípravě pro studium v zahraničí v naší knihovně. Některé knihy jsou v Krči, jiné v Libni. V případě potřeby kontaktujte koordinátora, který vám sdělí, kde se kniha nachází.

V případě shodného názvu jsou knihy v různých vydání.

Název Autor/Vydavatelství
1,296 ACT Practice questions, 2nd ed. Hendrix M.
12 Practice Tests for SAT (2012) Kaplan
ACT: English, Reading, and Writing Workbook Kaplan
ACT: Strategies, Practice, and Review (2012) Kaplan
ACT: English, Reading, and Writing Workbook Kaplan
ACT: Strategies, Practice, and Review (2012) Kaplan
Biology  Campbell
Cracking the SAT (2012 w/ DVD) The Princeton Review
Cracking the SAT French subject test (2010) Gaden M., Ingram S.
Cracking the SAT Math 1 & 2 Subject Test (2012) Amend, Robinson
Cracking the TOEFL iBT (2012 w/ CD) Pierce, Kinsell
Grammar Links 2 Manhke, O'Dowd
Grammar Links 3 Van Zante, Daise, Norloff, Falk
Guide to Colleges (2012) Fiske E.B.
HTML & CSS desing and build website Jon Duckett
HTML & CSS desing and build website Jon Duckett
Introduction to Java Programming, Brief Version Liang
Java How To Program Late Objects Version Deitel
Real College Essays that Works Fiske E.B., Hammond B.G.
SAT Subject Test: Math Level 2 McGraw, Hill's
SAT Subject test: World History (2010-2011) Kaplan
SAT Subject test: World History (2011-2012) Kaplan
The Best Value Colleges (2012) Franek, Braswell, Soto
The Elements of Style Strunk W., White E.B.
The official SAT Study Guide (w/ DVD) College Board
The official SAT Study Guide (w/ DVD) College Board
The official study guide for ALL SAT Subject Tests (w/ DVD)
The Real ACT Prep Guide (w/ CD) Peterson's
The Official Study guide for all SAT Subject Tests
The official SAT subject Tests in Mathematics Levels 1 & 2 - Study guide
The Official SAT study guide
Cracking the SAT - Physics Subject Test 2013 - 2014 ed.
Best Colleges (2014, pro USA) U.S.News
Apply (2014, pro UK) Pure Potential
College Physics: A Strategic Approach Knight
SAT Subject Test: Chemistry McGraw, Hill's
SAT Subject Test: Math 1 The Princeton Review
SAT Subject Test: Physics McGraw, Hill's
AP Computer Science A Barron's
AP English Language A 2015: 5 steps to A McGraw, Hill's
AP Chemistry 2015: 5 steps to A McGraw, Hill's
AP Physics 1 and 2 Barron's
AP Physics 1: Algebra-based 2015: 5 steps to A McGraw, Hill's
AP U.S. Government & Politics 2015: 5 steps to A McGraw, Hill's
AP Chemistry 2016: 5 steps to A McGraw, Hill's