středa 25. února 2015

Máte pocit, že zde něco chybí? Rádi byste přispěli svou zkušeností a pomohli ostatním?

Dobrý den,

dle složení publika (vy co navštěvujete blog) jsem vydedukoval, že ne všichni čtenáři jsou současnými studenty. Pravděpodobně jde i o bývalé studenty atd.

Prosím všechny, kteří by rádi pomohli plnit tento blog informacemi, aby neváhali a zaslali mi náměty nebo příspěvky.

Hlavním účelem je informovat studenty o možnostech studia a také jak na to. Sám nejsem schopen všechny relevantní informace dohledat, postřehnout nebo jen zpracovat a publikovat zde. Také je důležitá zkušenost se školami, prostředím nebo úrovní vzdělávání.

Kdokoliv chce přispět, pište mi na

Díky, díky, díky

čtvrtek 19. února 2015

SAT Strategy Tips

Until a few years ago, the SAT was known as the "S.A.T.", its letters standing for "Scholastic Aptitude Test." In 2004, however, the test makers removed the periods and officially declared that "SAT" doesn't stand for anything – admitting that the SAT is not an aptitude or intelligence test: It's just a test of how well you can take the SAT.
So what does it take to do well on the SAT? Intelligence is helpful, of course, but intelligence – even when paired with knowledge – is insufficient without strong test-taking skills and strategy. Here are some key tips for SAT success.
1. Do plenty of timed practice SAT exams. Take at least four full, timed SAT exams, each one in a single sitting, before you take the real SAT. Use real SATs from the "CollegeBoard Official Guide to the SAT" and take each one under test-like conditions using the bubble answer sheets, timing yourself precisely for each section. Then go over your results, thoughtfully analyzing your errors and adjusting your pacing for next time.
2. Plan to take the SAT in January of Lower Sixth year, treating it as a practice test. Take it again in May, ordering "Question and Answer Service" when you register. This will provide you with a copy of the exam test booklet along with your annotated answers, a great study tool for next time. Finally, take the SAT in October of Upper Sixth. Most universities will select your best score from each of the three test sections over the range of all the tests you take, so it is definitely in your best interest to take it again in the fall (especially if you've used the summer to study).
3. Remember that each question – whether easy or hard – is worth only one point. So spend more time on easy questions than hard ones, ensuring that you don't lose points by rushing through the easy ones in order to make time for harder questions (which you are more likely to get wrong, even with more time, anyway).
4. In Math, be alert to the twist, that aspect of the question that you don't expect. Maybe you are solving for x, but the answer requires you to use x to complete one more equation. Make note of whether the question asks for any integer or a positive integer, only. Watch out for questions which specify "must" versus "may".
5. In Critical Reading Sentence Completions, remember that the questions go from easy to hard. Easy questions have easy answers and hard questions have hard answers, right? So if you are stuck between two choices in question #8 (the last one on the page, and thus definitely a hard question) choose the harder word – even if you don't know what it means. That's more likely to be right.
6. Resist the urge to automatically cross off answers that contain words you don't know. Train yourself to put a little squiggle mark in front of those words and only deal with them once you've eliminated all the others you can.
7. For Writing multiple choice questions, don't trust your ear to judge what sounds right; everyone has an ear! If that's all it took to get a high score, everyone would score high. Instead, learn the rules of grammar that the SAT commonly tests and be on the lookout for errors in those areas. Learn to pair up the subject of a sentence with its verb. Know when to use "who" versus "whom." Be alert to the difference between a comma and a semi-colon. And remember: The word "being" is almost always wrong.
8. Build vocabulary drills into your daily life, spending 5-10 minutes twice a day to learn and review new words. Carry a few paper flashcards with you to school or use an app for digital flashcards that you can bring up on your cellphone. Practice the words you learn, saying them in sentences, using them at home and in your schoolwork. Over the course of six months to a year, you can make a substantial difference in your word power that will help you on this test and far beyond.
9. On the SAT essay, choose your side and pound away at your point. Don't equivocate; be bold and emphatic. Have two strong examples with lots of details that all support your point. Aim to write two full pages because a long essay is, by definition, a good essay. Throw in a bucket of those big words you've studied (especially near the beginning when the reader may still be reading, rather than skimming, your essay). Be descriptive, lively and interesting. If you can't remember details, make them up, because facts do not count.
Use the SAT error "penalty" to leverage partial knowledge. If you can eliminate one answer choice, you should guess. Just don't let a hard question steal time that you could be using to get other, easier questions right.
Enjoy preparing for your SAT! Treat it as a challenge: the math a puzzle, reading an opportunity to build word power and comprehension, writing multiple choice a game of "Where's Wally?" and overall a chance to hone your skills in making thoughtful decisions fast. As you engage, you'll find you start making real progress.

neděle 15. února 2015

Cyklus přednášek z fyziky - Fyzika jako dobrodružství poznání

Vážení přátelé a příznivci semináře
            Filosofické problémy fyziky,

vítáme Vás v novém semestru, ve kterém jsme pro Vás připravili několik změn. Konkrétně, v rámci semináře poběží cyklus

*Fyzika jako dobrodružství poznání*

série 12 přednášek o klíčových konceptech současné fyziky od klasické mechaniky po relativitu a kvantovou teorii. Přednášky přednesou prof. J. Podolský a prof. P. Cejnar z MFF UK.

Přednášky jsou určené jak studentům bakalářského studia, tak zájemcům z řad širší veřejnosti. Budou probíhat (POZOR!) *každý týden* na tradičním místě a v tradičním čase, tj. v Troji v posluchárně T2 ve čtvrtek od 18:15.

Zájemci o zápočet nechť si v tomto semestru zapíší předmět NPOZ008.

Program cyklu je následující:

19.2.2015   Jiří Podolský
*Astronomie, matka fyziky - cesta od mýtů k vědě*

26.2.2015   Jiří Podolský
*Mezi Keplerem a Newtonem - zrod matematicky formulované mechaniky*

5.3.2015   Jiří Podolský
*Od hmotných bodů ke spojitým polím - odkaz Faradaye a Maxwella*

12.3.2015   Jiří Podolský
*Einsteinova speciální relativita *

19.3.2015   Jiří Podolský
*Gravitace coby deformace prostoru a času*

26.3.2015   Pavel Cejnar
*Neurčitost a provázanost - kvantový svět*

2.4.2015   Pavel Cejnar
*Částice a antičástice - kvantování fyzikálních polí *

9.4.2015   Pavel Cejnar
*Od principů symetrie k základním interakcím *

16.4.2015   Pavel Cejnar
*Reverzibilita fyzikálních procesů a šipka času *

23.4.2015   Pavel Cejnar
*Fázové přechody - od klasického varu ke kvantové supraradiaci *

14.5.2015   Pavel Cejnar
*Od chaosu ke komplexitě - „všechnofyzika“ *

21.5.2015   Jiří Podolský
*Náš kosmos - co o něm dnes víme? *

Prosím, kontrolujte si program na webu semináře pro případné změny během semestru.

      Jiří Langer                       Pavel Krtouš

pátek 13. února 2015

Oxbridge Academics Programs

Dobrý den,

dnes do školy přišla nabídka na letní studijní a přípravné programy pro Oxbridge. Brožura k zapůjčení u p. Haláčka (domluva po e-mailu). Všechny informace naleznete také na webu:

Lze žádat i o stipendia, ale času je již málo, museli byste začít hned.

Pěkný den.

čtvrtek 12. února 2015

How to Ace the Admission Interview - převzato z Common Application

For most admissions counselors, interacting with students who are interested in their college is a high point in their day. Being able to meet students who are considering the school that they represent is rewarding and provides the counselor with a chance to help guide students in their college application process. Here are some of the top suggestions that might help you succeed in your next interview.
Be Aware - There are several kinds of interviews and while each one has similarities, it is important to know which kind of interview you will have in advance.
  • Required Interview – some colleges and scholarship programs require interviews for all students or for students who have made the decision to apply to a particular college that does not require the submission of SAT or ACT scores.
  • Evaluative Interview – the interviewer’s comments and thoughts about the interview will play some role in the admissions process.
  • Non-evaluative / Informational Interview – the interview serves an opportunity to get to know the student and to answer questions for the student and the family.
  • Alumni Interview – an interview conducted off-campus by an alum of the college and is usually non-evaluative.
Be Prepared – Know the basics about the school and know why you are visiting. (And no, “My mom dragged me here” is not an acceptable response). Have three thoughtful questions ready to ask the interviewer–questions that aren’t already answered in the school’s admission materials. Perhaps you might ask something specific about the department or major you hope to study or about the internships available in the department.
Be the leader – When you walk into the admissions office, take charge. Don’t let your parents check in with the front desk. This is your chance to introduce yourself as the leader in the college process. Don’t slunk around in the corner on your smartphone tweeting about your annoyance.
Be Relaxed – The interview is an opportunity for you to get to know the college and for them to get to know you. Take a deep breath and be yourself during the interview and it will go well.
Be Professional – Admission officers understand that you are touring a college campus and that you are a high school student, so they are not expecting you to show up in a business suit. However, good impressions are important. Make sure you are neat and tidy so that the interviewer knows you are taking the interview seriously.
Be Careful – The “interview” starts the minute you walk in the door. The front desk reception area staff see everything, so be on your best behavior. No matter how many hours you have been with your parents and no matter how tired you are after the long car ride or flight, this is the time to shine.
Finally, The College Board has a list of possible questions that a student might be asked during a college interview. These questions can serve as a good starting point as you prepare for the interview.

pátek 6. února 2015

Začínáme s přípravou na Admissions 2016

Dobrý den,

začínáme s přípravou dalšího ročníku (aktuální septimy) na přijímací řízení do UK a USA pro rok 2016.

První částí je hromadné přednášky pro studenty septim: Jak psát motivační esej, které proběhnou 9.2. (Libeň) a 13.2. (Krč) - viz kalendář. Zváni jsou i studenti mladších ročníků!

Následuje rozřazení do skupin po 3-4 studentech, kteří budou pod vedením externího lektora pracovat na svých esejích až do konce školního roku. Již v říjnu musíme být připraveni odesílat první přihlášky!

Pěkný den

středa 4. února 2015

Záleží na univerzitě? Záleží na oboru?

Dobrý den,

často se mě studenti ptají, zda záleží na výběru univerzity či oboru, především jaký je rozdíl v uplatnění na trhu, případně nástupních platech.

Byl jsem upozorněn na studii vydanou špičkovým pracovištěm Sutton Trust, který se zabývá vzděláváním na všech úrovních. Tato  studie může poskytnout spoustu odpovědí, doporučuji k prostudování. Níže uvádím dva ilustrativní grafy.

Link na článek:

Trénovat eseje začněte co nejdříve! Můžete už teď na edX!

English Grammar and Essay Writing

Improve your English grammar, essay and persuasive writing with this introductory college writing course. In partnership with the U.S. Department of State

About this Course

As part two of the academic writing course series, English Grammar and Essay Writing will focus on:
  • Proofreading
  • Self-editing
  • Revision
  • Common English grammar errors
  • Tone
  • Diction
  • Vocabulary building
Who should take this course?
  • Anyone interested in refining persuasive writing techniques and essay development.
  • Anyone preparing for or applying to college.
  • Anyone proficient enough in English to follow an introductory level course.
  • Anyone who is developing English-language writing and communication skills.
You do not need to have completed Part 1 to take this course. However, you may want to review College Writing 2.1x, which is archived on
The Part 2 course materials will be offered via readings, videos, and various types of homework assignments. There are suggested optional textbooks for additional writing work. You will participate in online discussions as well as peer review of your writing. You will write one full essay for this part of the course.
UC Berkeley is partnering with the U.S. Department of State to extend the reach of College Writing 2X. Participating U.S. Embassies will host in-person, facilitated discussions sessions around the course content in order to maximize the learning experience.
The State Department-supported EducationUSA network will also offer facilitated discussions in some locations for students interested in pursuing higher education in the United States. This partnership is part of the English Education Alliance (E2A), a global effort of the U.S. Department of State to address the global demand for 21st century English language skills.

pondělí 2. února 2015

Kurz FF UK Seznámení s hudební vědou

"Přeposílám" pozvánku:

Vážené kolegyně a vážení kolegové, 

dovolte mi, abych Vás a Vaše studenty informovala o konání dalšího ročníku kurzu pro veřejnost Seznámení s hudební vědou, který pořádá Ústav hudební vědy Filozofické fakulty Univerzity Karlovy v Praze. Ještě máme volná místa. Do kurzu je možno se zapsat i v jeho průběhu.

Bližší informace a přihlášky jsou k dispozici na adrese: